miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2012

hello!..... I have been discussing about the importance of non verbal comunication the last few days. and I have also been questiong either they can be faked or not. did you know that the non verbal communication represent the 93 % of the message you are trying to transmit?. Well it does, actually your comunication depends on three important aspects which are: yout one of voice, body lenguage, and what you actually say. Non verbal comunication y very important because its how you complement what you are saying, and you have to be very carefull about it because if you dont show with your body what you are saying you will confuse the person you are talking to. its like when you are talking woth the guy you like, and you want to be as natuarl as possible but your body dont help you with the work. you will look uncomfortable. some say that facial expressions can not be faked, but i still think they can. Think about it for a minute... When you are seeing a mocie you dont actually think on the actor, you think on the character he or she represents, and maybe they are uncomfortable with the scene, but they dont actually look uncomfortable, its very natural, and they are absolutely faked. we need to pay more attention to our body lenguage and to how we look, because thats what people see of us, and dont forget that actions speak more than words.