martes, 20 de marzo de 2012

Hi! i would like to comment a beautiful movie i saw last week that definitely show me the difficulties we can find when we meet people that belong to a nother culture. This movie was My Big Fat Greek Wedding.
There was this Greek - American woman that felt in love with an american man, as we have seen in class when we talk about culture we talk about customs, traditions, food and life style. When we meet people we want to share all our experiencies, traditions and customs. Thats not a problem when both are from the same culture because they share the same things, the problem comes when to different cultures mix, like in the movie, a multi active culture with a linear active. Tula's family was a huge family, with a lot of cousins, aunt sand brothers, however, ian´s family was very small, and his parents were very quiet and patient people. For Ian was kind of easy to adapt to Tula´s life style , but was very difficult for Ian´s family to do so. also we can se that tula´s family eat all the time meat and Ian´s parents were kind of vegetarian and they eat in little amounts. The good part of all this is that love can do anything! :) And these two different families finally were together and happy :)

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